undefined undefined Simeon
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That hears. (1) Jacob’s second son by his wife Leah. His birth (Gen. 29:33; 35:23; Ex. 1:2); joins in massacring the Shechemites (Gen. 34:25); bound in Egypt (42:24, 36; 43:23); Reuben and Simeon are mine (48:5); Jacob’s prophecy concerning (49:5–7); his descendants (Gen. 46:10; Ex. 6:15; Num. 26:12–14; 1 Chr. 4:24–43); tribe of Simeon, prince of Simeon (Num. 1:6; 7:36; 10:19; 34:20 [to divide the land]); number at Sinai (1:22–23); at Shittim (26:14); pitched on the south, with Reuben and Gad (2:12); Simeonite spy (Num. 13:5); shall stand on Gerizim to bless (Deut. 27:12); the lot of, within Judah (Josh. 19:1–9; 1 Chr. 4:24–33); Levitical cities of (Josh. 21:4; 1 Chr. 6:65); joins Judah against the Canaanites that are left (Judg. 1:3, 17); Simeonites who joined David (1 Chr. 12:25); still in the South in David’s time (1 Chr. 4:31); and some in Hezekiah’s time (1 Chr. 4:41–43); some had joined the northern kingdom in Asa’s day (2 Chr. 15:9); and in Josiah’s (2 Chr. 34:6); the portion of Simeon after the restoration (Ezek. 48:24, 33; Rev. 7:7).

(2) Luke 3:30, son of Judah in genealogy of the Lord.

(3) Acts 15:14, Simon Peter.

(4) Luke 2:25–35, who took the Savior in his arms at the presentation in the temple.

(5) Simeon (Acts 13:1), called Niger, a teacher at Antioch.