The scriptures are rich in symbolism and figurative expression. Ceremonies and ordinances are symbolic in their performance, and all bear record of Jesus Christ (Moses 6:63). Such symbolism is seen in sacrifice (Heb. 9:11–15; Moses 5:7–8); in the sacrament (JST Mark 14:20–24 [Appendix]; Luke 22:13–20); and in baptism (Rom. 6:1–6; D&C 128:12–13). Biblical names especially are symbolic (see Christ, names of and Names of persons). The tabernacle ceremony was symbolic of eternal things (Heb. 8–10), as was the entire law of Moses, containing types and shadows of Christ (Mosiah 13:29–32; Alma 25:15). For other symbolic items see Ex. 20:8–11; Matt. 5:13–16; Jacob 4:5; Alma 37:38–45.