Altar See also Sacrifice A structure used for sacrifices, offerings, and worship. Noah built an altar unto the Lord and offered burnt offerings, Gen. 8:20. Abram built an altar unto the Lord, Gen. 12:7–8. Abraham bound Isaac his son on the altar, Gen. 22:9 (Gen. 22:1–13). Jacob built there an altar and called the place El-beth-el, Gen. 35:6–7. Elijah built an altar and challenged the priests of Baal, 1 Kgs. 18:17–40. If thou bring thy gift to the altar, first be reconciled to thy brother, Matt. 5:23–24. I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, Rev. 6:9 (D&C 135:7). Lehi built an altar of stones and gave thanks unto the Lord, 1 Ne. 2:7. Abraham was saved from death on an altar of Elkenah, Abr. 1:8–20.