Promised Land Lands that the Lord promises as an inheritance to His faithful followers, and often also to their descendants. There are many promised lands. Often in the Book of Mormon, the promised land spoken of is the Americas. Unto thy seed will I give this land, Gen. 12:7 (Abr. 2:19). I will give unto thee and to thy seed the land of Canaan, Gen. 17:8 (Gen. 28:13). Moses specified the borders of the land for Israel in Canaan, Num. 34:1–12 (Num. 27:12). Ye shall be led to a land of promise, 1 Ne. 2:20 (1 Ne. 5:5). The Lord leadeth away the righteous into precious lands, 1 Ne. 17:38. If Lehi’s descendants keep God’s commandments, they will prosper in the land of promise, 2 Ne. 1:5–9. Israel shall return to their lands of promise, 2 Ne. 24:1–2 (Isa. 14:1–2). Whatsoever nation shall possess this promised land should serve God, or they should be swept off, Ether 2:9–12. This is the land of promise, and the place for the city of Zion, D&C 57:2. Judah may begin to return to the lands of Abraham, D&C 109:64. The New Jerusalem will be built upon the American continent, A of F 1:10.