Gift See also Gift of the Holy Ghost; Gifts of the Spirit God gives man many blessings and gifts. There are many spiritual gifts, 1 Cor. 12:4–10. Seek earnestly the best gifts, 1 Cor. 12:31. Every perfect gift is from God, James 1:17. The power of the Holy Ghost is the gift of God, 1 Ne. 10:17. Those who say there are no gifts do not know the gospel of Christ, Morm. 9:7–8. Every good gift comes from Christ, Moro. 10:8–18. Eternal life is the greatest of all the gifts of God, D&C 14:7 (1 Ne. 15:36). Gifts are given to those who love the Lord, D&C 46:8–11. All have not every gift given unto them, D&C 46:11–29.