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Thessalonians, Epistles to

Thessalonians, Epistles to

Two books in the New Testament. They were originally letters that Paul wrote to the Thessalonians while he was in Corinth during his first visit to Europe around A.D. 50. His work in Thessalonica is described in Acts 17. Paul wanted to return to Thessalonica but was unable to do so (1 Thes. 2:18). He therefore sent Timothy to cheer the converts and bring him word of how they were doing. Paul wrote the first epistle as a result of his thankfulness on Timothy’s return.

First Thessalonians

Chapters 1–2 contain Paul’s greeting and his prayer for the Saints; chapters 3–5 give instruction on spiritual growth, love, chastity, diligence, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Second Thessalonians

Chapter 1 contains a prayer for the Saints. Chapter 2 speaks of the coming apostasy. Chapter 3 contains Paul’s prayer for the triumph of the gospel cause.