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Moroni, Son of Mormon

Moroni, Son of Mormon

The last Nephite prophet in the Book of Mormon (about A.D. 421). Just before Mormon’s death, he delivered a historical record called the plates of Mormon to his son Moroni (W of M 1:1). Moroni finished compiling the plates of Mormon. He added chapters 8 and 9 to the book of Mormon (Morm. 8:1). He abridged and included the book of Ether (Ether 1:1–2) and added his own book called the book of Moroni (Moro. 1). Moroni sealed up the plates and hid them in the hill Cumorah (Morm. 8:14; Moro. 10:2). In 1823 Moroni was sent as a resurrected being to reveal the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith (D&C 27:5; JS—H 1:30–42, 45). He instructed the young prophet each year from 1823 to 1827 (JS—H 1:54) and finally delivered the plates to him in 1827 (JS—H 1:59). After completing the translation Joseph Smith returned the plates to Moroni.

The book of Moroni

The final book within the Book of Mormon. It was written by the last Nephite prophet, Moroni. Chapters 1–3 tell of the final destruction of the Nephites, giving instruction on the conferring of the Holy Ghost and the priesthood. Chapters 4–5 detail the exact mode of administering the sacrament. Chapter 6 summarizes the work of the Church. Chapters 7–8 are sermons on the first principles of the gospel, including teachings by Mormon on faith, hope, and charity and on the way to judge good and evil (Moro. 7), and Mormon’s explanation that little children are alive in Christ and need no baptism (Moro. 8). Chapter 9 describes the depravity of the Nephite nation. Chapter 10 is Moroni’s final message and includes the way to know the truth of the Book of Mormon (Moro. 10:3–5).