Martyr, Martyrdom A person who gives his life rather than forsake Christ, the gospel, or his righteous beliefs or principles. All the righteous blood from Abel to Zacharias will testify against the wicked, Matt. 23:35 (Luke 11:50). Whosoever shall lose his life for Christ’s sake and the gospel’s shall save it, Mark 8:35 (D&C 98:13). And they stoned Stephen, Acts 7:59 (Acts 22:20). Where a testament is there must be the death of the testator, Heb. 9:16–17. Abinadi fell, having suffered death by fire, Mosiah 17:20. Converted Ammonihahites were thrown into the fire, Alma 14:8–11. Many were slain because they testified of these things, 3 Ne. 10:15. Whoso layeth down his life in my cause shall find life eternal, D&C 98:13–14. Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith were martyrs to the restoration of the gospel, D&C 135. Joseph Smith sealed his testimony with his blood, D&C 136:39.