Waarom noemen we Jezus Christus de Heiland?
December 2022

Antwoord van een apostel

Waarom noemen we Jezus Christus de Heiland?

Naar ‘Jezus Christus: de Verzorger van onze ziel’, Liahona, mei 2021, 82–84.

Panel 1 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Voordat de wereld werd geschapen, werd Jezus gekozen om ons te redden.

Panel 2 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Hij stelt ons in staat om ons te bekeren en vergeving te krijgen.

Panel 3 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Omdat Hij voor ons gestorven is en weer leeft, zullen wij weer leven.

Panel 4 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

De Heiland Jezus Christus geeft ons troost, kracht, hulp en genezing.

Illustraties, Rosalie Ledezma
