Rosi’s Prayer
May 2023

“Rosi’s Prayer,” Friend, May 2023, 14–15.

Rosi’s Prayer

Rosi was tired of feeling like she didn’t belong.

This story took place in the USA.

Girl sitting on couch looking sad while her mother hugs her

Rosi dropped her backpack to the floor. She had just finished her second day in her new class. And it had not been a good day.

“What’s wrong?” Mom asked.

Rosi slumped down on the couch. “Some kids in my class said mean things to me,” she said. “About my brown skin.”

There weren’t many people at school who had skin the same color as Rosi’s, so she felt like she didn’t belong. But the teasing made her feel a hundred times worse.

Mom looked worried. “I’m sorry,” she said. She gave Rosi a hug. “I’ll talk to your teacher about it.”

But the next day at school, Rosi got teased again. One boy in her class was mean to her all day.

Rosi felt sad. But she also felt angry. Sometimes when he was rude to her, Rosi argued back. But it didn’t make her feel better.

One day when Rosi got home from school, she ran straight to her room. She was tired of being teased. She was tired of feeling like she didn’t belong. She put her face in her pillow and cried.

What am I going to do? she thought. She didn’t want to feel like this for the rest of the school year.

Rosi wiped her eyes. Then she looked up at the little statue of Jesus that was on her bookshelf. Mom had given it to Rosi to help her remember Jesus.

Maybe I should pray, she thought. She got down on her knees and folded her arms.

Girl kneeling in prayer

“Dear Heavenly Father, I’m really hurting inside. My classmates are mean to me because of my brown skin, and it makes me feel awful. Please help me.”

It felt good to tell Heavenly Father about her feelings. She knew He was listening. She felt warm and loved, like a soft blanket was being wrapped around her. She felt that her skin color was beautiful. She was a child of God, and He loved her.

When Rosi finished praying, she had an idea. Maybe there was more she could do to help at her school.

The next week, Rosi and her mom talked to the people in charge of the school about what was happening in her classroom. Rosi looked out for other kids at school who were being bullied and became friends with them. She tried to ignore the boy who teased her. And at church on Sunday, she shared her testimony that Heavenly Father loved everyone.

Things at school didn’t get better right away. But when it was hard, Rosi remembered how she felt during her prayer. She was a child of God, and she was loved. And because she knew that, she could do anything.

story PDF

Illustrations by Shawna J. C. Tenney
