Folding Fun
May 2023

“Folding Fun,” Friend, May 2023, 32–33.


Folding Fun

story PDF

Illustrations by Nicole Walkenhorst

Origami Bookmark

  1. Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally to make a triangle.

  2. Fold both sides of the triangle to the center make a square. Then unfold.

  3. Grab the top layer of paper by the tip of the triangle and fold it down to the bottom.

  4. Tuck the right and left ends of the triangle into the pocket.

  5. Now you can read with your new bookmark!

Origami Fox

  1. Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally to make a triangle.

  2. Fold the right and left sides of the triangle to the center to make a square.

  3. Turn the square over. Fold in half along the center line to make a triangle.

  4. Find the edge of the triangle that has three flaps. Fold this edge up at a slant, and then spread the flaps open.

  5. Open the center flap and fold the tip down to make the face.

  6. Take the other point of the big triangle and fold it down to make the tail.

Origami Fish

  1. Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally to make a triangle, then unfold. Do the same to the other side.

  2. Fold the paper in half to make a rectangle, then unfold.

  3. Turn your paper over. Pinch the folds of each diagonal corner at the edges. Bring the two right corners together until the edges line up. Do the same on the left. You should end up with a triangle shape.

  4. Fold one flap toward the center. Fold the other flap over the first one. This will make the fins.

  5. Now turn over your fish and draw an eye.
