The Temple Open House
May 2023

“The Temple Open House,” Friend, May 2023, 16–17.

The Temple Open House

Svetan was excited to go inside the temple!

This story took place in the USA.

Family walking through the temple

Svetan felt excited. His family was moving from Argentina to the United States. And now it was finally time to get on the big airplane!

Svetan looked out the window as the plane took off. He wondered what his new home would be like. Everything would be different. A new house. A new bedroom. A new neighborhood. And new friends to meet! Svetan was excited.

Svetan also knew that his new home was close to a temple that had just been built. In Argentina, the temple was far away. He had only seen it in pictures.

Svetan turned to Mami. “Do you think we’ll be able to see the temple from the sky?”

Mami smiled. “I don’t think so. But we’ll see it soon.”

Svetan smiled back. Mami and Papi said that the temple wasn’t open yet. But soon there would be an open house. That meant people could go inside to see it before it was dedicated. And Svetan’s family was going to go to the open house! He couldn’t wait to see the temple in real life.

A few hours later, Svetan and his family were at their new house. There was lots to do. Svetan helped unpack their boxes and make their home look nice.

On the day before the open house, they sat down in the living room to talk.

“The temple is the Lord’s house,” Mami said. “When we are inside, we must be reverent. Do you know what that means?”

“To talk quietly so we can hear the Holy Ghost better?” Svetan asked.

“That’s right,” Mami said. “We can learn a lot when we’re in the temple.”

Svetan nodded. He wanted to be reverent so he could feel the Holy Ghost in the temple.

The next morning, Svetan got up early. He dressed in his Sunday clothes. Soon it was time to go.

Svetan’s family got to the temple. People helped them put little plastic covers over their shoes.

Volunteer putting plastic bags over boy’s shoes

“Why did they put these little bags on my feet, Mami?” Svetan asked.

“Because inside the temple everything is new and clean. We want to take care of it.”

A woman welcomed them. She read the words on the temple door: “Holiness to the Lord—the House of the Lord.”

Woman standing in front of temple

Svetan held Mami’s hand. They walked inside. Everything was so beautiful! Maybe this was what heaven felt like.

“Look!” Svetan whispered. He pointed to a painting. “There’s Jesus!”

When they were done, Svetan felt happy. He was grateful he could go inside the temple. He wanted to go inside again when he was older.

story PDF

Illustrations by Mark Robison
