Conference Notes
May 2023

“Conference Notes,” Friend, May 2023, 5.

Conference Notes

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Illustrations by Josh Talbot

We Believe in Christ

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President Oaks said that we believe in Jesus Christ. He read many scriptures about what Jesus said during His life and when He visited the Nephites. We should study Jesus’s words to guide us in our lives.

This teaches me:

With Jesus Again

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Elder Stevenson told about two girls whose aunt had died. Elder Stevenson’s wife, Lesa, asked them how they were doing. They were sad, but they shared their testimony with her. They knew their aunt was happy and could be with Jesus. Faith in Jesus Christ and eternal life comforts us.

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Testimony on a Bus

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Elder Corbitt spoke about a woman he talked to on a bus ride. She asked why he believed in Jesus Christ. He wasn’t sure what to say. Then he decided to focus on what mattered most. He told her that we need Jesus to help us return to Heavenly Father. We can share our testimonies too.

This teaches me:

Carrying Rocks

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Sister Johnson shared how hard things in life are like carrying a backpack filled with rocks. We carry rocks because of our sins, the unkindness of others, and life challenges. Jesus Christ helps unload our backpacks if we turn to Him. We can also help lighten others’ backpacks by caring for them as Jesus would.

This teaches me:
