Спасителя любов
Жовтень 2023

“Спасителя любов”, Друг, жовт. 2023, сс. 10–11.

Спасителя любов

Ця історія сталася у США.

Час співати пісні для виступу Початкового товариства!

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Ця пісня навчає нас про Ісуса Христа. Як ви можете бути схожими на Нього?

Скоро я збираюсь охриститися, так, як Він!

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Спасителя любов в усьому помічаю*.

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Мені цікаво, яка вона — Спасителя любов?

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

У серці Дух Його, Він душу зігріва.

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.
This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Сьогодні під час співу я відчула любов Ісуса. І я досі її відчуваю!

На що схоже це почуття?

Ніби любов ось-ось вирветься з мого серця!

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Звідки береться це почуття?

Воно приходить від Святого Духа.

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.
історія у PDF-форматі

Ілюстрації Нормана Шартліфа

  • “Спасителя любов” (Збірник дитячих пісень, сс. 42–43)
