“Tonga: Información adicional”, Historias mundiales: Tonga, 2018
“Tonga: Información adicional”, Historias mundiales: Tonga
Tonga: Información adicional
Feinga, Adele F. “Labor Missions in Tonga and Hawai’i”. En Grant Underwood, editor, Pioneers in the Pacific: Memory, History, and Cultural Identity among the Latter-day Saints. Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, 2005, págs. 45–56.
Funaki, ‘Inoke F. “Reflections on the Legacy of Faith of the Tongan Saints: Faka‘apa‘apa, Foaki, and Mateaki”. En Underwood, editor, Pioneers in the Pacific, págs. 101–107.
Groberg, John H. In the Eye of the Storm. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1993.
Perkey, Joshua J. “Hallamos al Señor en Tonga”, Liahona, septiembre de 2010, págs. 28–33.
Sekona, Harvalene K. “Tonga: Una tierra dedicada a Dios”, Liahona, agosto de 2014, págs. 22–27.
Shumway, Eric B., traductor y editor, Tonga Saints: Legacy of Faith. Laie, Hawái: The Institute for Polynesian Studies, 1991.