65 years married
June 2021

65 Years Married

The end of 2020 on New Year’s Eve, also known as Hogmanay in Scotland, marked the 65th wedding anniversary of John and Phyllis (nee Meek) Nicoll of the Dundee Bingham Ward, Dundee Scotland Stake.

John and Phyllis were married on 31 December 1955. Both worked on the Toblerone chocolate line at the Keiller confectionary factory on Mains Loan, Dundee. Phyllis worked on chocolate moulds, and John was an almond crusher and finished-product packer.

Their eyes met across the production line, and they soon fell in love despite Phyllis being four years John’s senior (at the time she was 22 and he was 18). Their love and companionship blossomed and endured over the years as they’ve worked, travelled the world, served together, and remained entirely committed to each other.

Phyllis was baptised in December 1950 and recently celebrated 70 years of faithful Church membership and service. John was baptised 15 years after their marriage in 1970. They were sealed in the London England Temple in 1971. John and Phyllis have served in various branch, ward, district, and stake callings throughout the years and particularly enjoyed serving together as ward family history consultants and in the Preston England Temple as ordinance workers.

John and Phyllis have two children: Carol and Johnny; five grandchildren: Nicola, Karen, Holly, Paul and Rose; and six great-grandchildren: Meghan, Lucas, Parker, Grayson, Amelia and Nathan.

Despite approaching 84 and 88 years of age respectively, John and Phyllis remain committed to ministering and looking after the older members within their home ward. Son Johnny describes his mum and dad as the “greatest examples a son could hope for.”
