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Treat Others with Respect

“Treat Others with Respect,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Treat Others with Respect,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Treat Others with Respect

Take notes and answer questions here.


Think about your relationships. Do you have good friends who support and help you? How does it feel when other people treat you with kindness and respect?


When you work with other students in school, church, and other areas of your life, it is important for you to treat them with respect and kindness. As you do so, your relationships will grow stronger. Here are some ways you can strengthen your relationships with others:

  • Try to be kind and listen to the thoughts and ideas of others.

  • Avoid judging others when they make mistakes.

  • Help others when they are struggling or do not understand.

As you support others in their learning and they support you in your learning, everyone improves and your relationships grow stronger. It is important for all class members to treat each other with respect and kindness because you are all children of God.

It can be embarrassing when someone makes a mistake in class or when other students are unkind. Remember to say kind things and not judge others when they make mistakes. Try to understand how other students feel, and be nice to them. This will help you grow closer together and learn to rely on and help each other. When you work in groups, make sure that every person feels included.

Think about a time when you have been kind to someone or helped them in their learning. How did it make you feel?

illustration of family looking at map


Sometimes it can be hard to show kindness and respect to others. Read the example below and discuss how your words and actions make the people around you feel.

Mario and Luis are in the same class. Mario made a mistake on a problem in front of the whole class.

Mario: “I feel so stupid. I cannot believe I made that mistake in front of the entire class.”

Luis: “Are you OK? We all make mistakes. I have made mistakes in front of the class too, and I remember feeling really embarrassed after that happened. Do not worry about what people say. I will still be your friend.”

How does Luis comfort and support Mario? How do you think Luis’s words made Mario feel?

Read the examples below and write what you could say or do in each situation to show kindness and respect.

Ruth, a girl in your class, received the highest marks on her exam. How can you help her feel happy about her success?

Your brother broke something important to you. How can you respond to him in a kind way even though you are upset?

Your friend says something in class and the other students laugh and are unkind. How can you comfort your friend?

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about ways to show each other more kindness and respect. How can you say kinder words or give more praise or encouragement to each other?