Solve Problems

“Solve Problems,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Solve Problems,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Solve Problems

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Use Critical Thinking to Make Decisions,” you learned how thinking critically can help you make good choices. How has this thinking affected your choices?


Critical thinking skills can help you solve problems and think deeply about the decisions you must make. When you have a problem, here are three steps you can take to help you think about and solve the problem:

problem-solving flowchart

Identify the problem and gather as much information as you can. Study your options, discuss possible solutions, and ask for help from those you trust. Finally, as you decide and act, pray for guidance and go forward in faith. (See “6: Solve Problems,” My Foundation: Principles, Skills, Habits [2015], 14–15.)


In the story below, a young woman named Mercy must make a difficult decision. As you read the story, discuss how Mercy completes each step to solve her problem.

Mercy was the only member of her family to join the Church when she was 17. Two years later, she felt prompted to serve a mission. She told her parents about her decision. Her parents were very unhappy.

Her father said, “Mercy, if you do not go to university now, we will not pay for your schooling when you come home.” Mercy still felt she should serve a mission, so she did. She had a wonderful mission and taught many of God’s children the gospel.

When Mercy came home, her parents reminded her they would not support her. She was very sad. She knew she had made the right choice to serve a mission, but she did not know how she would go to university and get a good job.

illustration of women talking

Identify the Problem: What is the problem Mercy faces? Write it below:

Mercy talked with her friends and Church leaders and asked for advice. She thought of two different solutions: she could find a good job instead of going to university, or she try to work and go to university at the same time.

Mercy prayed about each possible situation. She wanted to go to university, but she could not find a job that she could do while going to school at the same time.

illustration of woman talking

One day, Mercy was walking from the market. As she walked, she prayed to know what she should do. Suddenly, a woman stopped Mercy to ask her about the basket she was using to carry potatoes. The woman told her it was the most beautiful basket she had ever seen. She asked Mercy if she could buy it from her. Mercy told her that she had made the basket, and she would be happy to sell it to her for a very good price.

Study Options: What are the possible solutions to Mercy’s problem?

When Mercy returned home, she thought about her experience. She loved making baskets, but she had never thought that anyone would want to buy them.

illustration of woman with baskets

Mercy realized that she could make baskets and sell them at the market during the day and go to school in the evenings. She prayed to know if this was the right decision. She felt peace and knew that she should go forward with faith.

After three months, Mercy was selling baskets and going to school. She worked very hard and sometimes got tired, but she knew the Lord was blessing her with the ability to focus on both school and work. She was grateful for the Lord’s guidance to help her solve her problem.

Decide and Act: What did Mercy do and how did she act?

Think about a problem you are facing. Think about possible solutions to your problem and how you will decide what to do.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your friends or family members about some of the problems they have faced and how they have solved them.
