Prepare for Exams

“Prepare for Exams,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Prepare for Exams,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Prepare for Exams

Take notes and answer questions here.


When you take an exam, there are strategies you can use that will help you succeed. Share an example of something you do that helps you when you take exams.


Most classes use exams to have you demonstrate how well you have learned the information. Although exams can be difficult, there are some things you can do that will help you prepare and be more successful:

Before the Exam

  • Study the material that you need to know for the exam. It is a good idea to study frequently in short study sessions rather than trying to study everything all at once right before the exam.

  • Try to get a good amount of sleep before the exam so that your mind is clear.

  • Gather the supplies you will need for the exam, such as a pencil or calculator.

  • If possible, eat healthy food and drink water before the exam so that you can focus.

  • As you prepare for the exam, pray for help to remember what you studied.

During the Exam

  • Be honest on your exam. Do not cheat or share answers.

  • Pace yourself carefully so that you can complete all of the questions.

  • Read the instructions and each question carefully.

  • Complete the easiest questions first. Skip questions that you do not know, and come back to them after you have finished the other questions.

The Lord knows that your schooling is important to you. You can ask for His help to remember the things you have studied. Pray before and during exams to invite the Holy Ghost to enlighten your mind and help you remember what you have learned.

Doctrine and Covenants 6:15 says, “Behold, thou knowest that thou hast inquired of me and I did enlighten thy mind; and now I tell thee these things that thou mayest know that thou hast been enlightened by the Spirit of truth.”

Share an experience when you asked the Lord in prayer to help you do well on an exam.


It is important to carefully read and reread exam instructions. If you do not, you may answer a question incorrectly. This activity will help you practice reading the instructions carefully on an exam.

Complete the following activity to help you practice following directions.

Instructions: Read all the steps before you begin to complete the first one. Work as quickly as you can. You will have two minutes. Again, do not begin until you have read all the steps.

Name Score

  1. Do not share your answers with anyone.

  2. Read all the steps before you complete each step.

  3. Write your name in the space above.

  4. Circle the word “you” in each step.

  5. Draw a star next to the odd numbers.

  6. Solve 3564 + 2899 =

  7. Draw a square around your name.

  8. Stand up and turn around 5 times.

  9. Write the date at the top of this paper.

  10. Now that you have read each step, only complete steps 1 and 3.

Did you follow the instructions correctly? Talk about how this activity helped you learn the importance of carefully reading instructions.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about the importance of following directions and reading instructions carefully. Share your experience in class today.
