Improve Your Home Learning Space

“Improve Your Home Learning Space,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Improve Your Home Learning Space,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Improve Your Home Learning Space

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Treat Others with Respect,” you discussed ways to improve your relationships with others. Share a specific experience when you showed kindness and love to someone else or to yourself.


When you study, try to find a place where you are able to focus so that other thoughts and worries do not distract you.

Here are some ideas to think about as you look for a good place to study:

  • Find a comfortable place to study that has good lighting. Some people like sitting at a table or in a chair. Others like studying on a mat or on soft ground.

  • Let others know when you are studying. They may be able to help those around you be quiet while you study so that you can focus.

  • If there is a lot of noise around you, try using headphones, earplugs, or the noise of a fan to help you avoid distractions.

  • Pray and ask the Lord to help you focus as you learn and remember information you study.

Many distractions can interfere with your studies. Read these three examples of distractions that some students experience and how they can overcome them:

Distraction or Problem

Plan to Overcome


Distraction or Problem

When my schoolwork is hard or I have too much to do, sometimes I want to quit.

Plan to Overcome

I will talk with my parents or my friends. They can help me when I do not understand, or they can ask someone they know to help me.


Distraction or Problem

Often when I am trying to study, I can hear my brother playing games in the next room. I really want to play games too.

Plan to Overcome

I have decided to study in a quiet place away from my brother’s games so I will not be distracted.


Distraction or Problem

Whenever my friends want to go to the beach or do other fun things, I do not want to say no. I really should be studying, but I want to have fun too.

Plan to Overcome

I will say, “I am sorry. I need to spend my time studying. Could we do something when I am finished or on a day when I don’t have schoolwork instead?”

What do you find distracts you when you study at home? What is one way you can limit or reduce that distraction? Share your ideas with the class.


What have you learned about finding a study space? Where will you study? What do you want your study space to look like? In the box below, draw the space where you plan to study. You may also want to write a few notes about things you will do to create or improve this space.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about where you study at home. How can you improve that place? What can your family do to help you reduce distractions while you study?
