“Learn Ways to Get a Job,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)
“Learn Ways to Get a Job,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth
Learn Ways to Get a Job
Take notes and answer questions here.
In “Choose a Job or Career,” you learned about a job or career that interests you. Share what you learned.
Before you can apply for a job, you need to know where to look for one. Some ways you can search for a job include looking in newspapers and company websites, asking businesses if they are hiring, and asking people around you about available jobs. Talking to people you know can help you find employers that need your skills.
Talk about other places that post job openings in your area. Perhaps there is someone you know who could help you find a job where they work. Write down names of people who might be able to help you find a job you would like.
Job Application
To get most jobs, you need to fill out a job application. Since applications are important, practice filling one out beforehand. Ask for help if there are things on the application that you do not understand. Often you will need to apply to several jobs before you get one, so do not give up.
Here are some tips for turning in a paper application to potential employers:
Write neatly as you complete all parts of the application.
When going to the store or company office, dress nicely. Although you are not being interviewed yet, this shows you are serious about the job.
Give your application directly to the person who will be hiring, such as a manager or supervisor, if possible.
When you meet the manager, shake his or her hand and make eye contact. Smile and be polite and respectful to make a good first impression.
Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) or Resumes and Letters of Interest
Many jobs require you to bring a curriculum vitae (CV) or a resume to the interview. Others require a letter of interest. Some require both. A CV or resume is a document that tells employers about your skills and experience. A letter of interest (or letter of intent) is a document that tells employers more about you and why you would be a good employee.
The next pages show examples of a letter of interest and a resume/CV. These are examples of what you may need to complete as part of a job application.
As you read through these examples, think about what you would write in your own resume or letter of interest. Discuss what you should include in each document.