Prepare for a Job Interview

“Prepare for a Job Interview,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Prepare for a Job Interview,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Prepare for a Job Interview

Take notes and answer questions here.


Talk about a job you would like to have and why you would enjoy it. If you have a job, share what steps you took to get the job.


Often when you are applying for a job, you must complete a job interview. A job interview can be a stressful experience. Following the four steps below can help you look and feel more confident during the interview.

  1. Research the Company: Find out as much as you can about the company before the interview. You can find information by visiting the company’s website, talking to employees who have worked at the company, or talking with their customers.

  2. Get Ready: Try to look nice and well-groomed to make a good first impression on the person who will interview you. It can be a good idea to wear church clothes to an interview. For example, a young man might wear a nice shirt and tie, and a young woman might wear a dress or a skirt. Try to take care of personal hygiene before an interview; you might bathe, brush your teeth, shave, and comb your hair.

  3. Ask What to Bring: Some employers may want you to bring certain items such as an application, references, personal identification, a resume, or a letter of interest. Try to write neatly and keep paperwork protected from folds or tears.

  4. Prepare for Interview Questions: Often you will be asked some common interview questions about your education, work experience, career goals, and skills you need for the job. The best way to prepare for an interview is to practice answering interview questions.


With a partner, pretend you are interviewing for a job at a shop. One partner will ask the questions below, and the other partner will answer them as they would during an interview. After one partner has answered the questions, switch roles.

Sample Interview Questions

  1. Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?

  2. What are three of your greatest strengths?

  3. What is your greatest weakness and what do you do to overcome it?

  4. What skills do you have that will help you with this job?

  5. How has school prepared you for working for this shop?

  6. What is one example of how you work with others as part of a team?

  7. Why do you want to work for this shop?

After each partner takes a turn answering questions, tell your partner what he or she did well.

illustration of man and woman shaking hands

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about their job interview experiences. What advice do they have for you as you prepare for a job interview?
