Answer Multiple-Choice Questions

“Answer Multiple-Choice Questions,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Answer Multiple-Choice Questions,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Answer Multiple-Choice Questions

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Manage Time on Exams,” you learned how to manage your time so you can answer all the questions on an exam. What is one thing you have done to manage time successfully on an exam?


In this activity, you will learn how to better answer multiple-choice questions. Multiple-choice questions include a statement or question and several possible answers to choose from. Review the following strategies that may help you answer these questions.

1. When a question has only one correct answer, eliminate answers that are very similar.

  • Choose a word that means the opposite of frightened:

    1. joyful

    2. happy

    3. alarmed

    4. unafraid

The question asks you to find the one correct answer. Because joyful and happy have similar meanings, you can guess that neither is the correct answer. This helps you eliminate those two possibilities. The correct answer is d.

2. If more than one answer is correct, then “all of the above” should be selected.

In this question, note that one of the possible answers is d. all of the above.

  • Which colors are primary colors?

    1. red

    2. blue

    3. yellow

    4. all of the above

If you know that at least one answer is incorrect, “all of the above” cannot be the correct answer. If you are sure that at least two answers are correct, such as in this question, “all of the above” may be the correct answer. In this case, all of the colors are primary colors, so the answer is d. all of the above.

3. If at least one answer is correct, then “none of the above” cannot be correct.

  • Which of the following is a prophet from the Book of Mormon?

    1. Nephi

    2. Jeremiah

    3. Daniel

    4. all of the above

    5. none of the above

Because you know that at least one of the possible answers is correct, “none of the above” cannot be the correct answer. In this case, the answer is a. Nephi.


Complete the following practice questions. Identify which strategy you would use to choose the best answer. The correct answers are on the last page of this workbook.

  1. Which of the following is NOT one of the Ten Commandments?

    1. Thou shalt not steal

    2. Thou shalt not kill

    3. Thou shalt not pray

    4. None of the above

  2. What does the word parable mean?

    1. a sheep

    2. a story

    3. a lamb

    4. a coin

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions:

One day, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had a question: What was the right way to be baptized? They prayed to know the answer. An angel came. It was John the Baptist. He had baptized Jesus. He told them that they needed the priesthood to baptize people. John gave Joseph and Oliver the priesthood so they could baptize people the way Jesus was baptized. Joseph baptized Oliver in the river. Then Oliver baptized Joseph. Later, many others were baptized too. Because Heavenly Father answered Joseph Smith’s and Oliver Cowdery’s prayer, the priesthood is back on earth.

  1. What happened when the angel came to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery?

    1. They learned that the angel was John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus.

    2. They were given the priesthood.

    3. Joseph and Oliver were baptized.

    4. All of the above.

  2. Who baptized Joseph?

    1. Jesus

    2. John

    3. Joseph

    4. none of the above

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about what you learned today. Commit to using these strategies when answering multiple-choice questions on future exams.
