Review Progress on Your Goals

“Review Progress on Your Goals,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Review Progress on Your Goals,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Review Progress on Your Goals

Take notes and answer questions here.


Share the goal you made at the beginning of the school year. Talk about the steps you have taken to complete your goal. If you are still working on your goal, share what has helped you or what has made it challenging.


It is important to review the progress you are making on your goals. In the activity “Make Goals,” you read an example of Kobi making a goal to turn his schoolwork in on time. Read and discuss the steps Kobi has taken to complete his goal. Do you think he needs to keep the same goal or make a new one?

  1. Discover: What do you need to work on? What do you need to improve or change?

    “I need to turn all my schoolwork in on time.”

  2. Plan: How will you make this change? What steps do you need to take?

    “I will write a list of my schoolwork and due dates. I will complete each assignment by the due date.”

  3. Act: How does faith in Jesus Christ help you reach your goal? Do you need more help?

    “I did not finish some schoolwork by the due dates. I prayed to know what to do. The Spirit gave me the idea to tell one of my parents every night what schoolwork I completed.”

  4. Reflect: What did you learn? Do you need to make a new goal or keep this goal?

    “Telling one of my parents what I completed each day is helping me get more done. I will continue to work and talk with them.”

Kobi has done really well turning his schoolwork in on time. He has made a lot of progress. However, he has been struggling with his mathematics class. He wants to make a new goal to help him do better in mathematics. His goal is below:

  • Goal: “I want to get help with mathematics when I do not understand something.”

Talk about the steps Kobi could take to accomplish his goal. For example, who can he ask for help? How can he get the help he needs?


Look at the goal you made at the beginning of the school year. Did you complete your goal? Do you need to keep working on that goal? Do you need to make a new goal? If you keep the same goal, what do you need to do to help accomplish that goal?

Write your goal by completing steps 1 and 2 below. As you work on your goal, complete step 3, and reflect on your progress in step 4. You will evaluate your goal at the end of the year.

  1. Discover: What do you need to work on? What do you need to improve or change?

  2. Plan: How will you make this change? What steps do you need to take?

  3. Act: How does faith in Jesus Christ help you reach your goal? Do you need more help?

  4. Reflect: What did you learn? Do you need to make a new goal or keep this goal?

Talk with Your Family

Share with your family the goal that you made. Ask them to help you complete your goal. Talk about how the Holy Ghost can help you complete your goal.
