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Be a Diligent Learner

“Be a Diligent Learner,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Be a Diligent Learner,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Be a Diligent Learner

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Humbly Ask for Help,” you learned about asking others for help. Have there been times when you have asked people for help?


“Diligence is steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lord’s work. The Lord expects you to work diligently—persistently and with great effort and care. … When you are diligent, you find joy and satisfaction in your work. … Continue until you have done all you can, even when you are tired. Focus on the most important things and avoid wasting time. Pray for guidance and strength. Plan regularly and effectively. Avoid anything that distracts your thoughts or actions” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service [2019], 127; italics added).

Completing a maze like the one in the activity below takes diligence, which is steady work, and persistence, which means never giving up. When you are studying for school and exams, you must also be diligent and persistent. You must believe in yourself and your power to succeed. As you work hard and persist, Heavenly Father will bless you to do your best.


Take a few minutes to complete the following maze. After everyone is done, discuss this question: How were you diligent and persistent as you completed the maze?

maze activity

Read the story below about a young man named Paulo and how he learned the importance of being a diligent learner. How can you learn from Paulo’s experiences?

Paulo frowned as he looked at the pile of dirt. It was as tall as his shoulders and five meters wide. Paulo knew they needed to move the dirt to the garden, but he felt overwhelmed. Papa had broken his leg and could not walk, so it was up to Paulo, Mama, and Paulo’s 9-year-old sister, Marta, to move the dirt using shovels and an old wheelbarrow.

Mama smiled and said, “Do not get discouraged. We can do it! We are like the pioneers who walked in the dust and did not give up until they reached Zion.”

For several days, they worked in the hot sun. They were covered in dust and dirt, and Paulo’s muscles ached. But Mama told stories and sang songs. When Paulo wanted to give up and stop working because he was so tired, Mama would say, “Do a little more. Just keep going a little longer.” Finally, they moved all the dirt and planted the garden. They were able to grow enough food for the family and to sell at the market. Paulo was proud of his hard work.

boy shoveling dirt into wheelbarrow

Three years later, Paulo was trying to prepare for his important exams in senior high school. There was so much to study, and sometimes Paulo became discouraged and wanted to give up. But then he would hear Mama’s voice in his mind: “Do a little more. Just keep going a bit longer.” Those words would help him study a little longer even though he was tired. He knew that his studies were just like moving a large pile of dirt in the hot sun. It was difficult, but if he kept going, he knew that he would have success, and he would be proud of his hard work.

  • How was Paulo diligent and persistent as he worked to move the dirt to the garden?

  • How was Paulo diligent and persistent as he studied?

  • What can you do to be a diligent learner?

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about how being a diligent and persistent learner can bless you in school. Ask them to share experiences when they have been diligent and persistent.