Discover Your Future Path

“Discover Your Future Path,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Discover Your Future Path,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Discover Your Future Path

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Prepare for Your Future,” you drew a path for your future. Talk about what you drew and how you plan to reach your goals.


One of the best ways to choose your job or career is to think about what you enjoy doing and what you do well. Think about what talents and skills you have. Consider what you have learned in school or in your life that could be used in a future job.

Understanding what you do well will help you accomplish your goals for the future. Knowing your strengths can also help you decide what you want to do. By identifying your interests and strengths, you can find connections to a job that you would enjoy.

Today, you will think about three things to help you follow the path to reach your future goals:

  • Know yourself and what you do well.

  • Know the world around you and what opportunities are available.

  • Know the steps you would need to take to seek out these opportunities.

illustration of path with signposts


Complete this activity. Then share what you have written.

Know Yourself

  • What do you do well?

  • What do you enjoy doing? What do you not enjoy?

  • What subjects do you enjoy in school?

Write some of the things you do well and enjoy doing here:

illustration of man bandaging child’s knee

You may also want to ask a friend, family member, or mentor to answer these questions about you. Ask them what career or job they might recommend for you.

Know the World around You

  • What jobs are needed where you live that use the skills you described above?

  • What companies are growing in your area?

Write the answers to these questions here:

Ask adults you trust for more information about good jobs in the area where you live.

illustration of doctor bandaging an arm

Know the Steps You Would Need to Take Next

Think about one or two of the opportunities you discussed above as you answer these questions.

  • What skills would you need to develop further?

  • What university or technical training would you need?

  • What kind of experience or apprenticeship would you need?

Write the answers to these questions here:

Talk with a mentor or people you know who have good jobs where you live. Ask them what steps are necessary to prepare for some of the jobs you have thought about in this activity.

illustration of doctor

Talk with Your Family

Talk to family members about what they believe are your best qualities and talents. Ask them for advice to help develop these qualities or talents.
