Prepare for Your Future

“Prepare for Your Future,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Prepare for Your Future,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Prepare for Your Future

Take notes and answer questions here.


What do you hope for your future? How will you find joy in your life? Share your plans for your future. Be respectful and supportive of others’ plans.


As you look to your future, what do you see? What are your hopes and dreams? Yours may be different from your friends’ and even other family members’. What you enjoy may be different from what others enjoy. That is OK. True joy is found through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The choices you make for your future in your education, career, and family can also help you feel happy.

As you think about your future, consider what can help you provide for your needs both physically (such as where you will live, what you will eat, and how you will earn money for your family) and spiritually (such as how you grow closer to Jesus Christ, how you can learn more about the gospel, and how you can serve others). Thinking about your future now can help you make the choices that will help you reach your goals.

Sometimes it helps to think about the future as a path. Your path leads to your destination or goal—who you want to become. Along the path, there are important things that will help you reach your destination. These may include schooling, technical training or an apprenticeship, and jobs. Along the path, there are other things that will help you reach your goals of what you want spiritually and for your family. These may include serving a mission, marrying in the temple, and serving in the Church. Thinking about where you want to go and what you need to do to get there will help you as you look to the future.

illustration of woman studying, family, and temple


Try to imagine your future in 10 years. What do you hope for your future self?

  • Do you have a spouse and children?

  • Where do you live?

  • How are you serving in the Church?

  • What kind of job or career do you have?

In the space below, draw the path that will lead you to the future you imagine. Include some of the things that will help you along the way to reach your goals.

What do you need to do today to make sure you are on the path that will lead to your desired future? Are there any changes you need to make?

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about your hopes for your future. Share how you believe you can reach your goals. Ask them for help and advice.
