“Manage Time on Exams,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)
“Manage Time on Exams,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth
Manage Time on Exams
Take notes and answer questions here.
In “Read Exam Questions Carefully,” you learned how to read each question to understand it correctly before choosing an answer. Share how this strategy has helped you.
Managing your time on an exam is just as important as studying and being prepared for it. Here are some ways to manage your time while taking an exam:
If possible, take practice exams beforehand. Practicing will help you feel more comfortable with the format of the exam. If there is a time limit, taking a practice exam and timing yourself on each section will help you prepare for the real exam. Identify and spend extra time studying for the sections that are taking more time.
Decide Which Section to Complete First
When you begin your exam, look through it to see if there are sections that will be more difficult and will need more time. For example, if your exam has a multiple-choice section and an essay question section, you may want to answer the multiple-choice questions first and then focus on the essay questions.
Read Each Question Carefully
Reading each question carefully will help you save time because you will avoid the need to return to the questions you did not understand. Reading each question carefully can also help you avoid simple mistakes.
Answer the Easy Questions First
Answering the easier questions first can help build your confidence. If you are having trouble with a specific question, move to another question. Taking a break from difficult questions and coming back to them later may help you answer them correctly.
Check Your Answers
If possible, try to answer every question. Use any remaining time to go back over the exam and check your answers.
Time often seems to pass quickly when you are doing something fun or when you are busy and working on something important. Time may pass more slowly when you feel bored or tired or when you are waiting for something. Understanding how quickly or slowly time passes as you take an exam can help you complete all of the questions.
Time Management Game
Play this game by using a ball and your clock, phone (with a clock), or watch. Once you begin the game, set a timer for two minutes and play the game for two minutes:
Each student should stand in a circle facing the others and toss the ball to another student. That student tosses the ball to another student, and so forth. If a student drops the ball, he or she sits down. Continue playing until only one player is left standing (the winner) or until time runs out.
You played the game for two minutes, and the time may have seemed to go by quickly. Now try a very different game:
Each student should sit quietly with their eyes closed for two minutes. (Once again, set the timer or use a clock or watch to time them sitting quietly for two minutes.) After two minutes, open your eyes.
Did the time go by more quickly when you were playing a game or sitting quietly? Why? Talk about how time goes by much more quickly when you are focused on a game or task. When you are focused on an exam, time may pass very quickly because you are focused on answering each question.
If possible, when you take an exam with a time limit, wear a watch or look at a clock so that you can know how much time you have remaining. This will help you know how quickly you must complete each section or question.
Discuss how managing your time on an exam can help you be more successful.
Talk with Your Family
Talk with your friends or family members about managing your time on exams. What advice can they give you to help you manage your time effectively?