Develop a Growth Mindset

“Develop a Growth Mindset,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Develop a Growth Mindset,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Develop a Growth Mindset

Take notes and answer questions here.


Sometimes learning can be difficult. How do you feel when trying to learn something new? Talk about how you can keep trying even though it may be difficult.


Sometimes people get discouraged or think that learning is too hard for them. They may say things like “I am just not very good at math” or “Writing is too hard for me.” If you view yourself in this way and believe you cannot learn, you have a fixed mindset.

People with a fixed mindset doubt their ability to learn. They are afraid to fail, and they believe they cannot learn certain things.

It is important to remember that you are a child of God. You are not limited in what you can learn or how you can grow. Heavenly Father loves you and will help you. Believe in yourself and in what you can do with God’s help.

When you begin to change your thinking and believe in yourself, you realize that you have the ability to grow. A growth mindset is the belief that you can learn and change. You can push yourself even when things are difficult.

Talk about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.


Often we say things to ourselves that reflect a fixed mindset about our learning. Let us see if we can change those thoughts to reflect a growth mindset. With a partner, fill out the column titled “Try Saying …” A few examples are provided for you.

Instead of saying …

Try saying …

Instead of saying …

“I cannot do this.”

Try saying …

I need some feedback and help from others.

Instead of saying …

“I give up.”

Try saying …

I will succeed if I put forth effort and find a better strategy.

Instead of saying …

“My mistakes show that I am not smart.”

Try saying …

When I make a mistake, I will learn from it and get better.

Instead of saying …

“I am just not good at mathematics.”

Instead of saying …

“I will never be as smart as my friend.”

Instead of saying …

“I tried, but I still could not do it.”

Instead of saying …

“This is too hard.”

Talk with Your Family

Share with your family the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. You may want to write down positive thoughts such as “I can do it!” or “I can always improve” and put them in a place where you will read them often.
