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Organize Your Class Notes

“Organize Your Class Notes,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Organize Your Class Notes,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Organize Your Class Notes

Take notes and answer questions here.


Talk about ways you take notes in your classes. Share a way that taking notes can help you review and prepare for your exams.


Prophets of God write for the people in their generation and future generations. Their writings are found in the scriptures and in general conference talks and Church magazines. As we read and listen to their messages, we can take notes to help us remember the things the Lord has commanded them to share with us. At school, you can take notes on what your teacher says or on what you learn from books in order to organize and remember the information.

Research shows that writing things down helps people remember important information. Taking good notes while you listen to teachers and read books can help you review and remember what you are learning. The following ideas can help you take better notes:

Decide What to Write

  • Write the main ideas or topics, not everything the teacher says or everything you read.

  • Write questions you have about what you are learning.

  • Write what you do not understand so you can ask for help after class.

  • Use symbols (like a star), numbers, or different colors of ink to remember important details.

Organize Your Notes

  • If you can, use a different notebook to write notes for each subject you are studying.

  • Write the date you are taking the notes in the margin of your notebook.

  • Find the note-taking strategy that works best for you, and use it each time.

Use Your Notes to Prepare for Class

  • Review your notes or the summary from previous lessons before you go to class.

  • Write questions you want to ask your teacher after reviewing your notes.

Share some other helpful things you do when you take notes.


There are different ways to organize your notes from class. Below are two different examples of notes. Discuss the differences between them and the strengths of each example.

illustration: How to Take Effective Notes page 1
illustration: How to Take Effective Notes page 2

What have you learned today that will help you take better notes for your classes?

Talk with Your Family

Share with your family at least one thing that you can do to improve taking notes at school or at church.