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Know Who You Really Are

“Know Who You Really Are,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Know Who You Really Are,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Know Who You Really Are

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Be a Diligent Learner,” you learned how to be more diligent in your education. How have you been more diligent in your studying and schoolwork?


Heavenly Father has given you talents, spiritual gifts, and abilities that will help you as you progress in your education and help build the kingdom of God on the earth. He will also help you use your talents and gifts to find a job and further your education.

In 2009, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke about identity. As he spoke, he told the story of “The Ugly Duckling,” by Hans Christian Andersen. Here is a summary of the story he shared:

illustration of duckling

There was once a mother duck who, when her eggs hatched, saw that one of the ducklings was very large and ugly. The other ducklings were very unkind to the ugly duckling. They pecked, teased, and mocked him. The ugly duckling was sad and decided to leave. He spent a long winter hungry and cold. He struggled to stay alive. He learned to be strong and fly to escape danger.

One sunny spring day, he looked up into the sky to see a flock of beautiful white birds soaring above him. He tried to imagine what it would be like to be that powerful and majestic. He flew into the sky and followed them, but he was afraid they might hurt him because of his ugliness. To his surprise, the birds welcomed him and allowed him to fly with them to a pond of clear water.

When he landed and glided on the water, the ugly duckling looked down and saw a reflection of a magnificent swan. He looked around to find the beautiful creature and realized that the reflection was his own.

Indeed, the duckling was a beautiful swan. At last, he had realized his true identity.

Elder Uchtdorf reminded us that like the duckling, we need to understand who we are:

illustration of duckling

There will always be voices telling you that you are foolish to believe that you are swans, insisting you are but ugly ducklings and that you can’t expect to become anything else.

But you know better. Because of the revealed word of a merciful God, you have seen your true reflection in the water and you have felt the eternal glory of that divine spirit within you. You are no ordinary beings, my beloved young friends all around the world. You are glorious and eternal. (“The Reflection in the Water,” Church News, Dec. 18, 2009)

God sent you to earth to do a great work. He wants you to know who you are. Understanding who you are will give you the confidence to use the talents and gifts Heavenly Father has given you to bless your life and the lives of His children.

Your gifts and talents may be visible—such as talents involving music, athletics, or art—or they may be spiritual gifts such as kindness or faith. These talents and gifts will help you in your education and throughout your life as you decide what you want to do and who you want to become.


Answer the questions below:

  • What are your talents? What do you like to do?

  • Who are the most important people in your life? What do you enjoy doing together?

  • What do you hope your future will look like?

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about your gifts and talents. Share the story about the ugly duckling and what you know about your identity from this activity.