Continue Your Education

“Continue Your Education,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Continue Your Education,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Continue Your Education

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Learn in the Savior’s Way,” you learned how to keep trying even when things are hard. What is something that has been hard for you to learn? What did you do?


Our Heavenly Father wants His children everywhere to get an education. President Russell M. Nelson said, “Continue your education, wherever you are, whatever your interest and opportunity” (“Where Is Wisdom?Ensign, November 1992, 6).

Many people struggle to continue their education because of problems that make it difficult to go to the next level of school. Read the list below of things that could make it difficult to continue your education.

  • The cost of schooling, tuition, and supplies

  • The need to work to help your family

  • Friends or family members who do not want you to continue your schooling

  • The pressure and anxiety caused by school

Think about the list above. Which problems apply to you? As you complete the activity below, think about how it relates to your own life.


Read the first example below about Esther along with the possible answer for helping her continue her education. Then read Eli’s example and discuss what you could say to Eli to help him do the same.

What is my plan when I finish this school year?

What could make it difficult to continue my education?

How can you help your friends continue in their education?


What is my plan when I finish this school year?

Once I finish school or pass my national exams, I will go to a university or a trade school. This will help me take care of myself and provide for my family.

What could make it difficult to continue my education?

Sometimes school is hard for me and I feel stressed. Sometimes I worry about how I will pay for school. I will probably get frustrated and want to quit.

How can you help your friends continue in their education?

You can tell Esther that she can create a list of family and friends who support her. She can call them when she gets discouraged. She could get a scholarship or a job to pay for her education. You can share scriptures and quotes to help her.

What is my plan when I finish this school year?

What could make it difficult to continue my education?

How can you help your friends continue in their education?


What is my plan when I finish this school year?

When I finish school, I will become an electrician, but I have to go to a school far from home. I will be able to provide for myself, and it will feel good.

What could make it difficult to continue my education?

My parents would not be happy if I went to school far away. My father would come to the school and ask me to come home to work in the fields and help provide for my parents and siblings.

Answer the questions below about continuing your education.

  • What are my plans when I finish this school year?

  • What challenges could make it difficult to continue my education?

  • What can I do to overcome these challenges?

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about things that might make it difficult for you to continue your education. Pray for guidance to know what you should do.
