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Be Safe and Wise Online

“Be Safe and Wise Online,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Be Safe and Wise Online,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Be Safe and Wise Online

Take notes and answer questions here.


How do you use the internet? Do you use it for research, to send emails, or for social media? Share both positive and negative experiences you have had online.


The internet is an amazing resource. You can use a computer, phone, or tablet to communicate with friends, learn information about any topic, and connect with people. Although internet resources can provide powerful ways to learn and communicate, they can also be dangerous if you do not know how to use them responsibly. The following ideas can help you be safe online:

Be Wise in What You View and Share Online

What you share online is available to anyone and can last forever. If you are not wise about the things you share or view online, you can find yourself in bad situations.

  • Keep personal details about yourself and others private. Do not post inappropriate pictures or share information publicly that will give details about where you live.

  • Every time you post, think about how it could affect your future. Ask yourself, “How will this look in a few years? Does this show that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ?”

  • When you post on social media or other forums, use kind and respectful words. Avoid saying anything online that you would not say in person and wouldn’t be comfortable with others reading—even years in the future.

Determine If Something Is Fake or Real

People and situations online are not always what they seem. Deciding what is real and what is not can be very difficult. Some people may try to get your information or money through dishonest posts, emails, or websites. Follow these guidelines to avoid things that are fake:

  • Statements that say you have won something or are getting something for free are usually not true.

  • Trust the Spirit when you get the feeling that something does not seem honest.

  • Ask your parents before you sign up or purchase anything online.

  • Do not arrange to meet people you befriend online in person. They may not be who they say they are and could harm you.

Keep Your Information Private

Privacy and security are just as important online as they are offline. People can steal your money and your identity if they get your information.

  • Keep your private information safe by creating strong passwords and changing them often. Do not ever share your passwords.

  • Only share financial information on a secure banking app or website.

When you come across something questionable or inappropriate, talk to a trusted adult, teacher, or parent.


Read the following online scenarios. Talk about what you should do if something like this happens to you. Go back and reread the Learn section if you are not sure what you should do.

Scenario 1

You find an interesting competition online. It says that if you enter now, you might win something free. They just need your email address and name. What should you do?

Scenario 2

When browsing on the internet, you find a website that allows you to play games online for a monthly fee. It says to type in your credit card number to purchase. You don’t have a credit card, but your parents do. What should you do?

Scenario 3

You meet someone new online and you both really like swimming and school. This person wants to meet you in person at the local swimming pool. What should you do?

Scenario 4

You see something horrible online today—like pornographic or violent images. It makes you feel really sad inside, and you know such images do not invite the Spirit into your life. What should you do?

illustration of confused boy

Scenario 5

You receive an email from someone claiming they are a relative or famous person who needs money, but you do not know them. They ask you to send a check to them and then they will pay you back. What should you do?

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your parents about safe and unsafe internet experiences. Share at least one of the suggestions in this activity and how it will help you be safe while using the internet.