My Shepherd
Januar 2021


Min Hyrde

Ærbødigt: [Kvarttone] = 48-55

sheet music

1. Long ago in Galilee

Jesus walked along the sea

And asked the fishermen

To follow Him.

Like the faithful long ago,

I will choose to follow,

For Jesus Christ is calling me.

2. Jesus showed us long ago

How to help the sick, the cold,

To love and care for those

Who need us the most.

I will comfort those in need.

I will strengthen feeble knees

And show the love inside of me.

[Chorus] I will follow where my Savior leads.

I will listen when He calls to me.

I will live what I believe.

And when I’m in need, He will carry me.

He’s my Shepherd, and I’m His sheep.
