Faasaoina mai le Afi
Novema 2022

O Tala o Tusitusiga Paia

Faasaoina mai le Afi

Illustration of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego sitting together talking.

Sataraka, Mesako, ma Apeteniko o ni uo lelei. Sa latou fesoasoani le tasi i le isi e filifili le mea sa’o.

King Nebuchadnezzar II demands that everybody bow down and worship a graven image.

I se tasi aso na fai atu ai e le tupu i tagata uma e tatalo i se faatagata auro. Afai latou te le faia, o le a ia lafoina i latou i se afi.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refuse to bow down and worship the graven image.

Sa tatalo isi tagata uma i le faatagata. Ae sa na o le Atua na tatalo ai uo e toatolu.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are thrown into the fiery furnace.

Na ita le tupu. Sa ia tauai Sataraka, Mesako, ma Apeteniko i le afi.

Jehovah appears to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace and protects them from the consuming flames.

Ae e le’i mu i latou i le afi! Sa tutu faatasi ma i latou se tagata faalelagi ma tausia i latou ia saogalemu.

A young girl declines to look at something on a smartphone

E mafai ona ou faia le mea sa’o e tusa lava pe faigata. O le a fesoasoani Iesu ia te a’u ma faatasi ma a’u!
