Երջանիկ օգնական
Նոյեմբեր 2022

Երջանիկ օգնական

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Պապիկը գալիս է այցելության:

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Ֆելիքսն օգնում է պատրաստվել: Նախ՝ նա հավաքում է իր խաղալիքները:

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Հետո օգնում է ավլել հատակը:

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Հետո Ֆելիքսն օգնում է լվանալ հագուստները:

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Նա օգնում է մայրիկին նաև ճաշ պատրաստել:

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

«Շնորհակալ եմ իմ երջանիկ օգնականը լինելու համար, Ֆելի՛քս»,- ասում է մայրիկը:

Օգնենք ուրիշներին

Page from the November 2022 The Friend Magazine.

Երկնային Հայրն ուզում է, որ մենք օգնենք ուրիշներին: Ցույց տվեք ուղիներ, որոնցով օգնում են այս երեխաները:

Նկարները՝ Ագնես Սականիի
