¡Ha nacido Jesús!
Diciembre de 2022

¡Ha nacido Jesús!

This image is panel 1 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

Hace mucho tiempo, un ángel llamado Gabriel visitó a una joven llamada María. El ángel le dijo a María que tendría un bebé. ¡El bebé sería Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios!

This images is panel 2 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

José, el esposo de María, era un buen hombre y era carpintero.

This image is panel 3 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

José y María fueron a la ciudad de Belén.

This image is panel 4 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

¡Había llegado el momento de que María tuviera a su bebé! José y María encontraron un establo para quedarse.

This image is panel 5 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

Un ángel habló a los pastores sobre el nuevo bebé y los pastores fueron corriendo a verlo.

This image is panel 6 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

En el cielo brilló una estrella nueva. Los pastores se sintieron muy felices de ver al niño Jesús.

This image is panel 7 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

¡En la Navidad celebramos el nacimiento de Jesucristo!

Ilustraciones por Corey Egbert