Tarta de diezmos
Diciembre de 2022

Pastel de diezmos

Panel 1 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

El obispo Romney ha venido a hablarnos sobre el diezmo.

Panel 2 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

¿Quién sabe qué es el diezmo?

Panel 3 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

¡Es dinero que le damos al Padre Celestial!

Panel 4 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

¡Así es! Compartimos con el Padre Celestial el diez por ciento de lo que recibimos.

Panel 5 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

¿Por qué tenemos que dar nuestro dinero?

Panel 6 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

El dinero del diezmo se utiliza para muchas cosas, como construir centros de reuniones y templos o ayudar a los misioneros.

Si les parece difícil dar de su dinero, esto podría ayudar. Hagan de cuenta que este es un pastel de durazno. ¿Quién quiere el pastel?

Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

¡Yo! ¡Yo quiero!

Panel 8 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

De acuerdo. ¡Les daré todo el pastel! Ahora bien, ¿me devolverían solo una porción?

Panel 9 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

¡Claro! Usted es quien me dio el pastel.

Panel 10 of Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Esta porción de pastel es como el diezmo. El Padre Celestial nos da todo lo que tenemos. Solo nos pide que le devolvamos una porción.

Panel 11 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Al domingo siguiente…

Panel 12 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

¿Es este tu diezmo, Maya?

Sí. ¡El Padre Celestial me dio todo lo que tengo, así que le devuelvo una porción de mi pastel!

Ilustraciones por Sébastien Braun