Matio 6:1–18

Matio 6:1–18

Nampianatra ireo mpianany ny Mpamonjy hanao asa amin’ny fahamarinana

Jesus Christ preaching to a multitude of people. Christ is seated on a rocky hillside. He is dressed in red and blue robes. He has one arm raised. Some of the figures have their hands clasped in devotion.

Nanohy ny Toriteny teny an-Tendrombohitra i Jesoa, nampianatra fa tokony hanao asa tsara isika mba hampifaliana ny Raintsika any An-danitra fa tsy hisarihana ny sain’ny hafa. Amin’ity lesona ity lesona ity ianao dia hanana fahafahana hanao tombana sy handrefy ireo manosika anao hanao asa tsara sy hisafidy ny fomba tianao hanatsarany izany.

Saintsaino ity fehezan-teny manaraka ity: Nanamboatra ny fefin’ny mpifanilabodirindra taminy i Gustavo.

Stick figure holding a hammer
  • Inona no hevitrao mahakasika an’i Gustavo?

Fafao ny teboka eo amin’ny faran’ilay hoe “Nanamboatra ny fefin’ny mpifanilabodirindra taminy i Gustavo,” ka soraty hoe satria … eny amin’ny faran’ilay fehezan-teny. Angataho ny mpianatra hanohy ilay fehezan-teny amin’ireo antony isan-karazany mety hahatonga an’i Gustavo hanamboatra ilay fefy. Ireo valin-teny dia mety hahitana andian-teny toy ny hoe “tsara fanahy izy,” “nandray anjara tamin’ny tetikasa fanompoana iray izay nasain’ny reniny atrehina izy,” “te hisarika ny sain’ny zanakavavin’ilay mpifanilabodirindrina aminy izy,” “tsy tiany hankeo amin’ny tokontaniny ny alikan’ilay mpifanilabodirindrina aminy,” ary “nopotehiny tamim-pahatezerana io fefy io ka nasain’ny rainy hanamboatra izany izy.”

  • Nahoana no zava-dehibe ny antony izay manosika antsika hanao zavatra?

Vakiantsika ao amin’ny Matio 6 fa nanohy ny Toriteniny teo an-Tendrombohitra ny Mpamonjy ary nampianatra momba ireo antony mandrisika ny fanaovana asa tsara. Mba hanampiana anao hieritreritra ireo antony hanaovanao asa tsara toy ny fanompoana, ny fanaovana soa amin’ny hafa, ny fivavahana, ary ny fanatrehana seminera, dia ataovy ity sahanasa manaraka ity.

Mamoròna tabilao misy tsanganana telo ao amin’ny diary fandalinanao. Fenoy araka izao manaraka izao ny eo ambonin’ilay tabilao:

What are three good works you have done in the past week? (List one per row.)

What were your reasons for doing them?

How did you feel after you did these good works?

Vakio ny Matio 6:1–6, 16–18 , ka tadiavo ny zavatra nampianarin’ny Mpamonjy mahakasika ny antony manosika antsika hanao asa am-pahamarinana. Ny teny hoe fiantrana dia ilazana asa feno fanolorantena ao amin’ny fivavahana ( andininy 1), tahaka ny hoe manome ho an’ny mahantra. Ny teny hoe mpihatsaravelatsihy dia manondro ireo izay “mpisandoka” ( andininy 2).

  • Ahoana no hamintinanao ny zavatra nampianarin’ny Mpamonjy?

Stick figure holding a hammer

Zava-dehibe ny fahafantarana fa ny vavaka eo imasom-bahoaka dia tsy hoe ratsy akory noho izany hoe tsy natao tao amin’ny toerana “miafina” ( Matio 6:6). Ny vavaka sy ireo fombafomba ara-pivavahana hafa dia azo tanterahina eo imasom-bahoaka raha atao amim-kitsimpo, sy amin’ny fanolorantena, ary amim-pitiavana hidera an’ Andriamanitra. Marina ihany koa izany raha ny mahakasika ny fifadian-kanina. Ilay andian-teny hoe “malahelo endrika” sy “mampisotisoty ny tavany izy” ao amin’ny Matio 6:16 , dia manondro ireo olona tamin’ny andron’i Jesoa izay nanao fampisehoana ivelany rehefa mifady hanina mba hisarihana ny olona.

  • Araka ny hevitrao dia nahoana ny Tompo no manome lanja be ny antony manosika antsika hanao zavatra, na dia rehefa manao asa amin’ny fahamarinana aza isika?

Avereno jerena ny tabilaonao ary ampitahao amin’ny antony nahatonga anao nanao asa soa ny zavatra izay nampianarin’ny Mpamonjy izay voarakitra ao amin’ny Matio 6 .

  • Araka ny hevitrao, nahoana no tokony “hanao ezaka isika hanompo noho ny antony lehibe sy tsara indrindra”? (Dallin H. Oaks, “Why Do We Serve?Ensign, Nôv. 1984, 13).

  • Raha misy olona manana olana amin’ny fanaovana asa tsy noho ny antony marina tokony hanaovana izany, dia inona no torohevitra azonao aroso ho azy ireo?

Nampianatra momba ny antony nanosika ny Mpamonjy hanao ny asany ny Filoha Dieter F. Uchtdorf, fony izy tao amin’ny Fiadidiana Voalohany. Jereo ny horonan-tsary hoe “On Being Genuine” (Ho tena izy) miantomboka amin’ny mari-potoana 15:34 ka hatramin’ny mari-potoana 16:29, na vakio ity lahatsoratra manaraka ity.

Official portrait of Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 2006. Called as Second Counselor in the First Presidency, 3 February 2008. Made official portrait in 2008 replacing portrait taken in 2004.

The greatest, most capable, most accomplished man who ever walked this earth was also the most humble. He performed some of His most impressive service in private moments, with only a few observers, whom He asked to “tell no man” what He had done [see Luke 8:56 ]. When someone called Him “good,” He quickly deflected the compliment, insisting that only God is truly good [see Mark 10:17–18 ]. Clearly the praise of the world meant nothing to Him; His single purpose was to serve His Father and “do always those things that please him” [ John 8:29 ]. We would do well to follow the example of our Master.

(Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “On Being Genuine,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 83)

Mieritrereta ohatra izay mampiseho ny antony nanosika ny Mpamonjy hanao ny asany.

  • Inona no zavatra manaitra anao mahakasika ireo ohatra ireo?

  • Nahoana ireo ohatra ireo no mampitombo ny fahatakaranao ny fitiavan’ny Mpamonjy sy ny antony nanaovany sorompanavotana ho an’ny fahotantsika?

Valio ireto fanontaniana manaraka ireto:

  • Inona no fahatsapanao momba ireo antony hanaovanao asa tsara?

  • Miantraika amin’ny fifandraisanao amin’ny Ray any An-danitra amin’ny fomba ahoana ireo antony manosika anao hanao asa tsara?

  • Inona no zavatra iray azonao atao mba hanarahana ny ohatra izay nomen’ny Mpamonjy momba ny fanaovana asa soa?

Tsindrio ny bokotra Hanomboka ny asa fampiharana na ny Fandefasana valiny ampidiranao ny asa vitanao.

Official Portrait of President Dallin H. Oaks taken March 2018.

The prophet Moroni taught that if our works are to be credited for good, they must be done for the right reasons. If a man “offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent it profiteth him nothing.

“For behold, it is not counted unto him for righteousness.” ( Moro. 7:6–7 .) …

… Our service should be for the love of God and the love of fellowmen rather than for personal advantage or any other lesser motive.

(Dallin H. Oaks, “Why Do We Serve?Ensign, Nov. 1984, 12, 14)

Official portrait of Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 2006. Called as Second Counselor in the First Presidency, 3 February 2008. Made official portrait in 2008 replacing portrait taken in 2004.

Our motives and thoughts ultimately influence our actions. The testimony of the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is the most powerful motivating force in our lives. Jesus repeatedly emphasized the power of good thoughts and proper motives: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” ( D&C 6:36).

… Our testimony motivates us to live righteously, and righteous living will cause our testimony to grow stronger. …

… A testimony motivates us to choose the right at all times and in all circumstances. It motivates us to draw nearer to God, allowing Him to draw nearer to us (see James 4:8).

(Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Power of a Personal Testimony,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2006, 37, 39)

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