Mo Tagata Faitautusi Talavou
O Suafa e Tele o Iesu

O Tala o Tusitusiga Paia

O Suafa e Tele o Iesu

Mary and Joseph looking at the baby Jesus lying in a manger with barn animals around them.

E toatele perofeta na aoao mai e uiga ia Iesu Keriso. Sa latou fai mai o le a soifua mai o Ia e faaali mai ia i tatou le ala e ola ai. Sa latou faaaogaina le tele o igoa e aoao atu ai e uiga ia te Ia.

Jesus, as a boy, is learning about carpentry from Joseph.

O nisi taimi i tusitusiga paia e faaigoa ai Iesu o Emanuelu. O lena suafa o lona uiga “ua faatasi le Atua ma i tatou.”

Illustration depicting Jesus Christ sitting beside the daughter of Jairus and holding her hand as he heals her while her parents watch in faith.
This image is 6 6 spot illustrations from the life of Jesus Christ. 1. Baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph. 2. Jesus as a child learning to become a carpenter. 3. Jesus raising Jarius' daughter from the dead. 4. Jesus praying in Gethsemane. 5. Jesus hanging on the cross. 6. Jesus walking out of the garden tomb.

O le isi suafa mo Iesu o le Alii o le Filemu. Pe a tatou fefefe pe le fiafia, e mafai ona Ia fesoasoani ia i tatou ia lagona le filemu e ala i le Agaga Paia.

Jesus Christ praying in the garden of Gethsemane.

Ua ta’ua foi Iesu o le Mesia. O le Mesia o lona uiga “o le ua faauuina.” Na maliu Iesu mo i tatou ina ia mafai ona tatou toe mau faatasi ma le Atua.

Jesus asked Heavenly Father to forgive the men who crucified Him because they didn’t know they were hurting the Son of God.

O Iesu o lo tatou Faaola. Na te laveaiina i tatou mai a tatou agasala ma le oti.

A boy and girl visit with their Grandfather inside a nursing home. The older man is sitting in a wheelchair and is reading the scriptures to his grandchildren.

Ou te alofa ia Iesu Keriso. E mafai ona ou aoao e uiga i Lona soifuaga ma le alofa i tusitusiga paia.
