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How to Use This Workbook

“How to Use This Workbook,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“How to Use This Workbook,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth

How to Use This Workbook

Take notes and answer questions here.

Information for Leaders

Each time the students meet, they will work on school assignments and help each other study. These classes can give the students a safe place to support each other as they learn. As a leader, you can help make the classes a place where the students feel a sense of belonging. You do not need to be a teacher or an expert in school subjects. All the students need is a leader who will care about them and help them work together and stay on task.

You may want to do one of the study skills activities together weekly or more frequently depending on how often you meet. These activities can help the students become better learners and plan for the future. You should support, but not teach, the activities.


When students meet, they should be able to share their ideas and make mistakes without worrying that others will be unkind. Here are some important things to remember when you meet:

  • Before the students arrive, arrange the room so that the students can sit around tables or in groups and set up any technology that is available.

  • Try to include every student in the activities. Some students are quiet or shy. That is OK. However, it is best if many students share their ideas and feelings.

  • Each activity should take about 10–15 minutes. Be careful not to spend too much time on one activity.

  • Discuss the rules below as a group:

Class Rules

Be Responsible

Be Respectful

Be Ready

Be Responsible

  • Arrive on time.

  • Stay on task.

  • Follow instructions.

  • Help clean up.

Be Respectful

  • Listen to others.

  • Use kind words; do not tease.

  • Do not distract others.

Be Ready

  • Bring enough work to do.

  • Bring and share resources.

  • Ask for help.

  • Help others.

Student Helper

The first two or three times you meet, guide the students through the activities yourself. This will help them see how to guide the group themselves. Then, choose a different student each time you meet to help lead the other students in the activity. It is a good idea to choose the student helper and the topic beforehand so the student can be prepared to lead the activity. Students will develop leadership skills as they lead activities, help others stay on task, and encourage others to work together.

During the Class

After completing an activity, the students can work on the following tasks:

  • do schoolwork and help others with their schoolwork

  • study for an exam

  • review class notes

  • practice math, reading, or writing skills

Follow the outline below each time you meet. On some days, you will complete a skill activity together. On other days, the students will only do schoolwork and study.

activity outline

Class Attendance

Attendance should be taken near the beginning of every activity. Count how many students attend, and write that number next to the activity you are teaching that day. An example is shown in the first row: 17 students attended the day the “Example” activity was taught.

After you complete the last activity in this workbook, share your attendance report with your stake education supervisor.

Activity Name

# of Students

Activity Name


# of Students


Activity Name

Understand the Importance …

# of Students

Activity Name

Treat Others with Respect

# of Students

Activity Name

Improve Your Home Learning …

# of Students

Activity Name

Make Educational Goals

# of Students

Activity Name

Humbly Ask for Help

# of Students

Activity Name

Develop a Growth Mindset

# of Students

Activity Name

Overcome Challenges through …

# of Students

Activity Name

Organize Your Class Notes

# of Students

Activity Name

Use a Study Plan

# of Students

Activity Name

Use Critical Thinking to Make …

# of Students

Activity Name

Learn in the Savior’s Way

# of Students

Activity Name

Organize Tasks and Priorities

# of Students

Activity Name

Create a Weekly Schedule

# of Students

Activity Name

Use Meaning to Memorize

# of Students

Activity Name

Organize Information to …

# of Students

Activity Name

Review Your Class Notes

# of Students

Activity Name

Learn from Mistakes

# of Students

Activity Name

Be an Obedient Student

# of Students

Activity Name

Solve Problems

# of Students

Activity Name

Prepare for Exams

# of Students

Activity Name

Read Exam Questions Carefully

# of Students

Activity Name

Manage Time on Exams

# of Students

Activity Name

Answer Multiple-Choice …

# of Students

Activity Name

Review Progress on Your Goals

# of Students

Activity Name

Be a Diligent Learner

# of Students

Activity Name

Think Positively

# of Students

Activity Name

Know Who You Really Are

# of Students

Activity Name

Be Honest in Your Writing

# of Students

Activity Name

Manage Your Stress

# of Students

Activity Name

Answer True or False Questions

# of Students

Activity Name

Think Positively During Exams

# of Students

Activity Name

Ask Good Questions

# of Students

Activity Name

Overcome Procrastination

# of Students

Activity Name

Continue Your Education

# of Students

Activity Name

Choose a Mentor

# of Students

Activity Name

Meet with Your Mentor

# of Students

Activity Name

Prepare for Your Future

# of Students

Activity Name

Discover Your Future Path

# of Students

Activity Name

Choose a Job or Career

# of Students

Activity Name

Evaluate Your Goals

# of Students

Activity Name

Be Safe and Wise Online

# of Students

Activity Name

Use Social Media Wisely

# of Students

Activity Name

Learn Ways to Get a Job

# of Students

Activity Name

Prepare for a Job Interview

# of Students

Approximately how many nonmember students attended each class?

Approximately how many nonmember students attended each class?

Information for Students

The activities in this workbook will teach you how to study and how to prepare for exams. They will help you develop skills to be more successful as a student and in other areas of your life. During the classes, you will also have time to do your schoolwork with other students and learn about topics that you are studying.

You may meet as a class before or after school, with your youth group, or at home with your family. Remember to be kind to the other students in your class. Everyone should be able to share their ideas and make mistakes without other students being unkind.

When you meet, remember to come prepared, be an active learner, and help other students.

  • Be prepared when you come to the class. Bring this workbook and any schoolwork you need to do. Try to eat or drink something before you come so that you can have energy to study.

  • Be an active learner by asking questions and working together to solve problems. Talk about what you are learning with the other students, and ask them what they are learning.

  • Work together and help other students in the class. Love and support each other. Work in groups on schoolwork. Find answers to questions together. Talk about the activities and how what you have learned helps you in school.

Each student may be asked to be a student helper. This helper leads the activities. Do your best to be a good example and to help the other students stay on task and work together.

If your friends would like to come to Succeed in School with you, talk with your leader to see if that is possible.

illustration of family studying