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Skills to Help You Succeed in School

“Skills to Help You Succeed in School,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Skills to Help You Succeed in School,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth

Skills to Help You Succeed in School

These are skills you can develop that will help you in school. Are these things that you do? Think about how often you do each one and what you want to work on. The activities in this workbook will help you improve these skills. Use this list to guide you as you make goals to improve as a student.

Exam Skills

illustration of youth taking exam
  • I pace myself so I can complete an exam before the exam time is over.

  • I pray before studying or taking an exam.

  • I start studying for exams early.

  • I take practice exams to see where I need to improve.

Study Skills

illustration of youth studying
  • I use a schedule or planner to write down upcoming school and personal activities.

  • I set goals and discuss them with a parent, teacher, or leader.

  • I review, modify, or rewrite my notes after class.

  • I make time for studying and completing schoolwork at home.

Schoolwork Skills

illustration of youth reading
  • I turn my school assignments in on time and receive passing scores or marks.

  • I find someone to help me when I do not understand.

  • I make sure I understand the instructions so I can complete the assignments correctly.

  • I start doing assignments as soon as I get them.

Learning Skills

illustration of youth learning
  • I ask questions to learn more.

  • I learn from mistakes and try again.

  • I listen and share my ideas when I work with others.

  • I enjoy learning and find ways to learn new things.

Skills to Help You Succeed in School handout

A copy of this list is included at the end of this workbook. You may tear it out, take it home, and review it as you make goals.