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Review Your Class Notes

“Review Your Class Notes,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Review Your Class Notes,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Review Your Class Notes

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Organize Your Class Notes,” you learned how to take better notes in class to help you prepare for exams. Did you change the way you take notes? Share how organizing your class notes has helped you do better in school.


After you write notes, review them as soon as you can. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be for you to remember what you have learned. It is especially helpful if you review your notes after class and then again before the next class. This may help you remember what you have learned and be prepared before each class.

Read these suggestions for reviewing your notes:

Write a Summary

Write in your own words what you have learned. Doing so can help you understand and remember the most important ideas. These summaries can be helpful as you review your notes for an exam. Include examples and definitions in your summaries to make difficult ideas easier to remember.

Ask for Help to Review Your Notes

Find someone who can help you review your notes.

  • Ask a friend or family member to read through your notes and ask you questions to test your knowledge.

  • Explain what you learned to a friend or family member. If you are struggling to remember or understand what you learned, write down questions you can ask your teacher in class.

Test Yourself

You can also review your notes on your own to remember what you have learned.

  • Test yourself by covering up your notes and trying to remember the information.

  • Explain the ideas and terms out loud to yourself.

  • Make flash cards that you can use to test your knowledge. (Flash cards are small pieces of paper with words or ideas on one side and the definitions or explanations on the other side.)

illustration of boy studying


Read through the notes below that a student wrote from a science class. Write a 2–3 sentence summary about what you learned. Explain what you learned to a partner.

example of science class notes


Commit yourself to reviewing your notes often.

Share other ways that you review your notes to help you prepare for class or an exam.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about the importance of reviewing your notes from class. Identify 3–5 people who can help you review your notes.