Learn from Mistakes

“Learn from Mistakes,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth (2021)

“Learn from Mistakes,” Succeed in School: Study and Life Skills for Youth


Learn from Mistakes

Take notes and answer questions here.


In “Develop a Growth Mindset,” you learned how to think more positively about different situations. You were asked to write growth mindset statements on a paper you could review regularly. Share some statements that help you think about yourself in a better way.


Heavenly Father knew we would all make mistakes in this mortal life. He sent Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and mistakes. Because of Jesus Christ, we can learn from our mistakes and realize they are opportunities to grow.

Like the prodigal son in the Bible, sometimes the mistakes we make can cause us to feel sorrow and pain. But there is always a way to overcome those feelings. We do not need to be happy every time we fail, but we can learn from our experiences and make choices that can help us be happier.

illustration of man tending pigs

Elder Lynn G. Robbins said, “Mistakes are a fact of life. Learning to skillfully play the piano is essentially impossible without making thousands of mistakes. … ‘Success,’ it has been said, ‘isn’t the absence of failure, but going from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm’” (“Until Seventy Times Seven,” Liahona, May 2018, 21).


Read the story below about a girl named Sofia who learned from her mistakes.

I finished junior high school and was preparing for my exams. I had studied, but sometimes I spent time with my friends or looked at my phone when I should have been studying more.

When I got my scores back, I was very sad. I had not received the marks I needed on the mathematics exam to continue my schooling. I talked with my parents about what I should do. They told me that I should study and retake the mathematics exam. They also told me that I would have to pay to take the mathematics exams again because they did not have the money to pay for the exams. I wanted to give up and stop trying. I prayed to Heavenly Father to know what I should do.

illustration of girls hugging and laughing

I received a prompting to get a job. I went to a shop near my house and got a job sweeping. Every day after school, I swept the shop floors. Then I went home and studied mathematics. I did not spend time with my friends or waste time looking at my phone. It was hard, but I learned the mathematics skills, and I earned enough money to sit for the exam again.

illustration of girl sweeping with broom

The second time I took the mathematics exam, I received high marks. I was very happy. Through this experience, I learned to work hard and to study. I also learned to use my time well. I am grateful for all I have learned through my mistakes.

  • Think about a time when you made a mistake or failed at something. Were you sad? Did you want to give up? What did you do? Complete each sentence below about your experience:

  • I was (doing, learning, trying)

  • It was difficult and I felt

  • Then I

If possible, share your story with the group.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your friends or family members about times when they have made mistakes. How did they learn and grow through their mistakes or failures?
