3 Ways Your Patriarchal Blessing Can Bring You Peace
May 2023

3 Ways Your Patriarchal Blessing Can Bring You Peace

A patriarchal blessing is a form of God’s encompassing love for you!

a woman reading next to a window

I received my patriarchal blessing when I was 16. It was a time in my life when I needed direction and answers. I prepared spiritually to receive this blessing, and when my patriarch placed his hands on my head, I was immediately overcome with the Spirit. This patriarch hardly knew me, and he said things that only my Father in Heaven could have known. It was a personal, intimate, and sacred experience I will never forget.

So I was excited when Elder Randall K. Bennett of the Seventy specifically spoke about patriarchal blessings at conference because of the deep appreciation I have for my blessing. He talked about how his patriarchal blessing changed everything for him and how they can change our lives as well.1

When I received my blessing, it did change everything. It opened my eyes to how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ view me. It showed me Their love and appreciation. It provided me with an eternal perspective. It became my personal Liahona.

Here are a few ways your patriarchal blessing can bring you peace throughout your life:

It Can Give You Spiritual Strength

A patriarchal blessing can help us navigate challenges in life as it helps us understand our divine nature and gives us an eternal perspective. It’s a message from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to you, about you!

We are all children of God, but we are also all unique and special, so no two blessings are the same. Your blessing can include blessings, lineage, admonitions, counsel, gifts, promises about your family and divine worth, and eternal perspectives. Because it is personal scripture, it shouldn’t be tucked away in a drawer—it should be studied often and kept close to your heart.

Elder Bennett also said, “Cherishing my patriarchal blessing while I was young blessed me with courage when I was discouraged, comfort when I was fearful, peace when I felt anxious, hope when I felt hopeless and joy when I needed it most.”2

My blessing has meant everything to me. In times of uncertainty and fear, it has provided the relief I’ve so desperately needed by reminding me of promised blessings and a higher purpose for my life. It has also provided joy and appreciation that my Father in Heaven knows me so deeply.

There is spiritual strength in studying one’s patriarchal blessing. We live in a world of doubt, confusion, and contention, and we need spiritual strength. By frequently and prayerfully studying your blessing, you’ll have increased focus, light, and joy in your life. This spiritual strength can help you combat the challenges and wickedness of today’s world.

It Can Help You Navigate Life

However, patriarchal blessings don’t have the answers to everything. As Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita of the Seventy said, “A patriarchal blessing is not going to map out your life or answer all your questions.”3

But this is where our faith and trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ come in.

At different times in my life, I’ve had to make decisions: where and what to study in college, if I should serve a mission, and so on. My blessing didn’t give specifics about either of those things. So I prayerfully asked and pondered what the Lord would have me do. And when I felt good about my choices, I decided to serve a mission and made decisions about my education.

By involving Heavenly Father in those decisions, I’ve been led to marvelous blessings.

Patriarchal blessings don’t have all the answers to our questions, and that’s OK. As we live righteously, Heavenly Father trusts us to make prayerful and wise decisions. We’ve been blessed to exercise our agency. Our patriarchal blessings don’t make the decisions for us, but they can help us build the life we want with Heavenly Father’s help!

It Can Deepen Your Faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

Elder Yamashita also said: “Preparation for your patriarchal blessing will help you increase your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. ... When you receive your patriarchal blessing and read and ponder it, you can focus on Them more often.”4

For me, studying this personalized message of direction and love has increased my faith and trust in my Father in Heaven and Savior, Jesus Christ. Its words remind me that They know and love me.

Patriarchal blessings are a spiritual lifeline—when facing the difficulties of today, we can be reassured of the blessings of tomorrow and hold to our faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

You are known and loved. Intimately and deeply. You are Heavenly Father’s beloved child with a divine identity and purpose. I would invite you to study your patriarchal blessing more often (or receive it if you haven’t yet!) so you can feel these truths too.