I’ve Never Had a Temple in My Home Country—until Now
May 2023

I’ve Never Had a Temple in My Home Country—until Now

I was shocked when President Nelson announced a temple in Indonesia.

family standing in front of the temple

When I was 14, my family had the opportunity to go to the temple for the first time.

Growing up, we didn’t have a temple in Indonesia—the closest one was the Manila Philippines Temple, which was still very far away.

One night my dad told me that we needed more money to get passports so we could go to the temple. We didn’t have much. The only precious thing we had was our humble motorcycle that my dad used to drive me to school.

He told me that we needed to sell the motorcycle so that we could get the money we needed for the temple.

Sacrifice Brings Greater Blessings

At first I was very upset that this decision meant I would no longer have a ride to school and would have to take public transportation.

But my dad taught me an important lesson.

He reminded me of when Jesus counseled the rich young ruler. The young ruler asked:

“Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

“Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me” (Matthew 19:16, 21).

My dad taught me the importance of not being like the rich young ruler who was sorrowful about giving up his great possessions. He reminded me of the principle of sacrifice and faith in Jesus Christ.

Pondering this, I realized we would receive greater blessings by making the necessary sacrifices to get to the temple.

So we sold the motorcycle.

And soon we were able to get to the temple. That day we gained the greatest blessing of all: being sealed for time and all eternity as a family. I felt the Savior’s love and promises of joy while I was there and knew that the sacrifices we had made were more than worth it.

Making the Temple a Priority

It was years before we had the chance to visit the temple again as a family. But my desire to return and the Spirit I felt there never faded. In the meantime, we sent names to the temple so that our family history work could still be done.

Now that I’m living in Hawaii for school, I have the great privilege of living within walking distance of the temple here on the island. I love attending the temple every week and feeling the peace it brings me.

As I have made sacrifices to attend the temple regularly, I have felt my testimony growing stronger, and I am able to better focus on Jesus Christ each day. I see so many blessings in my life and for my family as I spend time in God’s holy house.

A New Temple

During the April 2023 general conference, I was shocked when President Russell M. Nelson announced that a temple would be built in Jakarta, Indonesia.

My heart was filled with joy, and tears of gratitude spilled down my face as I realized that my home would finally have its own temple.

I called my parents, and we were full of excitement. I thanked them for their faith and for teaching me the gospel and the importance of the temple.

My heart is so full for the people of Indonesia. I know that Heavenly Father heard our prayers for a temple there and that it will bless our lives in ways we can hardly imagine.

As President Nelson recently testified: “I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can. … May you focus on the temple in ways you never have before.”1

I am so grateful for the blessing of temples. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live, and as we set aside time in our lives to spend time in Their holy house, we will better hear Them in our lives.
