Glaður aðstoðarmaður
Nóvember 2022

Glaður aðstoðarmaður

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Amma er að koma í heimsókn!

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Felix hjálpar við að hafa allt til reiðu. Fyrst tekur hann upp dótið sitt.

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Næst hjálpar hann við að sópa gólfið.

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Felix hjálpar síðan við að þvo fatnað.

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

Hann hjálpar mömmu líka við kvöldmatinn!

Panel 1: Felix (age 4–5) is looking at a picture of his grandpa. Please make the family Black. Felix should be visibly happy in all the panels. Panel 2: Toys are scattered around a room. Felix is putting them in a basket or box. Panel 3: Felix is holding a dustpan while Mom sweeps stuff into it. Panel 4: Felix’s arms are loaded with laundry. Maybe he’s peeking around the armful and following after Mom. Panel 5: Mom is cooking something in a pot on the stove. Felix is standing on a stool stirring something in the pot. Make sure the mom is visible in this panel. Panel 6: Mom hugging Felix. Maybe Grandpa can be seen through a window approaching the door.

„Takk fyrir að vera glaður aðstoðarmaður, Felix!“ segir mamma.

Hjálpa öðrum

Page from the November 2022 The Friend Magazine.

Himneskur faðir vill að við hjálpum öðrum. Vísið til þeirra leiða sem börnin hjálpa.

Myndskreyting: Agnes Saccani
