모두가 환영받는다는 느낌을 받도록 어떻게 도울 수 있을까요?
2022년 11월호

사도들의 답변

모두가 환영받는다는 느낌을 받도록 어떻게 도울 수 있을까요?

“여관에 마련된 자리”, 『리아호나』, 2021년 5월호, 24~27쪽에서 가져옴.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

여러분이 상대방의 입장이라면 어떤 마음일지 생각해 보세요.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

웃음을 지어 보세요.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

새로 만난 사람의 이름을 알아보세요.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

혼자 앉아 있는 사람들의 옆에 앉으세요.

삽화: 줄리사 모라
