종이접기 활동
2022년 11월호

종이접기 활동

Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.

토시는 얼마 전에 일본에서 필리핀으로 이사했어요. 토시는 재미있는 초등회 활동을 계획했어요.

기대되니, 토시?

네, 하지만 조금은 무서워요. 친구들과 제가 쓰는 말이 다르잖아요.

괜찮아! 네가 하는 말을 아빠가 친구들에게 알려 줄게.

Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.

게임과 간식을 많이 준비했는데, 친구들이 좋아하면 좋겠어요.

틀림없이 그럴 거야. 아이들이 온 것 같구나!

Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.

초대해 줘서 고마워, 토시! 여기 올 수 있어서 정말 기뻐.

토시가 일본어로 말하면 이 아저씨가 그게 무슨 뜻인지 알려 줄게.

Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.
Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.
Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.
Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.
Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.

활동 정말 재미있었어! 고마워!

Panel 1: A young Japanese boy (Toshi) is setting origami figures out at a table. They are different colors. There are craft supplies. His dad is helping. Panel 2: The table is done, Toshi is looking at it and Dad is walking toward the door. Panel 3: Toshi and his dad are sitting at the table along with other children. A woman (Sister Morgan) is standing at the head of the table and speaking. Panel 4: Toshi is speaking and holding up an origami bird/boat/illustrator’s choice. The children are smiling and holding versions of the same origami in different colors. Panel 5: The children are divided into two groups at each end of the table. Each group is around a paper where they are drawing a frog together. Toshi is in a group, but he is watching and smiling. Panel 6: Toshi is standing and stacking paper to make a tower. Two children are standing next to him ready to hand him another piece of paper Panel 7: Still at the table, they are eating ice cream. There are many different kinds of candy and toppings. Panel 8: Toshi and his dad are standing at the front door seeing the kids out. A few are walking out, smiling. One is talking to Toshi and his dad. Panel 9: Toshi is speaking to a girl in a wheelchari, Dad is smiling. Activity Spot: Draw a frog illustration on the bottom right page, include dotted lines of pieces of the frog to show kids sections to draw.

와 줘서 고마워!

삽화: 레슬리 댄슨
