Отакі великі історії
Лютий 2023

Отакі великі історії

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Бекхем любив рибалити з дідусем. Він навіть зловив маленьку рибку!

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Але коли Бекхем розповідав про це мамі згодом, він, мабуть, сказав трохи неправду.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Бекхем виграв змагання зі стрибків серед своїх друзів.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Але коли він розповідав про це татові, він, мабуть, дещо перебільшив.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Наступного дня сім’я Бекхема пішла до зоопарку. Йому навіть вдалося погодувати мавпу!

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Але коли він розповідав про це дідусеві, то, мабуть, дещо перебільшив.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Ого! Ти дійсно годував дракона?!

Ну, ні … це була просто мавпа. Але інші не будуть вважати мене крутим, якщо я скажу те, що було насправді.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Тобі не потрібно вигадувати історії, щоб сподобатися людям. Казати правду—найкращий вибір. Достатньо просто бути собою! Небесний Батько також так думає.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

До речі, годувати мавпу—це досить круто!

Ілюстрації Коннера Джилетта
